This “Cooking Merit Badge pamphlet” To earn the Eagle

By LuisWert

This Cooking Merit Badge pamphlet To earn the Eagle Scout rank, you will need to complete 

Safety and health. Follow these steps:

Discuss with your counselor the possible hazards that you might encounter when participating in cooking merit badge pamphlet activities. Also, what you can do to help prevent, mitigate, and manage these hazards.

  • Demonstrate that you are familiar with first aid and how to avoid injuries and illnesses that may occur while cooking or eating.
  • Explain how meat, fish and chicken should be transported and prepared for cooking. Discuss how to avoid cross-contamination.
  • Talk to your counselor about food allergies, intolerances, and other food-related diseases. These concerns should be discussed with anyone who prepares or handles food.

Talk to your counselor about the importance of reading labels on food. Discuss common allergens like peanuts, tree nuts and milk.

Diet. Follow these Steps:

Use the MyPlate or current USDA nutrition model Around the World Exercise to give five examples of each of the following food groups. Also, indicate the recommended daily serving size and recommended number of servings.

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Grains
  • Proteins
  • Dairy

Explain Why it is Important to Limit your Intake Oil and Sugar

Based on your activity level, determine your daily activity level and your caloric needs. Next, consult your counselor to determine the best meal plan for you based on My Plate.

Talk to your counselor about your eating habits and the My Plate food guide.

The following terms are used in food labels: calorie. Based on the size of the label, explain how to calculate total carbohydrate and nutritional values for two portions.

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Basics of the Cooking Merit Badge Pamphlet. The following are some of the things you can do:

Each of the following cooking techniques can be discussed. Each one requires you to describe the equipment and temperature control. Name at least one dish that can be prepared using each method.

Discuss the advantages of using a camp stove for an outing over a charcoal or woodfire.

Discuss with your counselor how you manage your time while preparing a meal. Make sure that all the components are available at the same moment.

Cooking at home. Plan three days worth of meals using the USDA nutrition model or this Cooking Merit Badge pamphlet food guide. You should have enough food to feed you and one adult. Be aware of any special needs, such as food allergies, and how your food was kept safe from cross-contamination. You should list the equipment and utensils required to prepare and serve these meals.