The Environmental Benefits of Planting A Tree

By LuisWert

You might be interested in planting a tree near your home. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of trees for our environment. Michal Mixa FdSc founded MMarboriculture in 2019. Michal Mixa FdSc. recognized that there was a better way to promote sustainability while also advising professionals and businesses on how to manage, maintain and overcome tree problems they face during arboricultural reports. This core value is deeply embedded in our company culture. We continue to improve our systems to help our clients move projects forward faster and more efficiently.

1. Reduce Climate Change

People who excel at something can build up carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Climate change is the greatest current problem facing the world. Harmful CO2 is one of the main causes. However, trees can help to combat it. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, removing it from air and storing it. They also release oxygen. An acre of trees can absorb the same amount of carbon dioxide as driving 26 000 miles each year. Our main survival tool is the trees. Only one tree can provide enough oxygen to sustain four people.

2. Purifying Air

Do you remember feeling cleaner air when you were in the woods, or at the beach? You are correct, because trees purify the air. They absorb pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and ozone. As little as particulates are trapped in the leaves, trees also absorb odors. An acre of mature trees can provide oxygen for 18 people each year.

3. Cooling down the Streets

Each year, we hear shocking news about global warming. Los Angeles’ average temperature has increased by 6F over 50 years. Globally, it has increased by 1.4 F. Cities become much more comfortable by removing trees and replacing them in heat-absorbing asphalt roads and buildings. By providing shade and releasing water, trees can cool cities up to 10 F

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4. Natural Air Conditioning

You may be surprised to learn that strategically placing trees around your home can reduce the need for air conditioning. This will not only make your wallet more thick, but also reduce the carbon dioxide and other emissions from power plants. Green roofs were the result of a collaboration between architects and environmentalists. Green roofs can be a great way to add vegetation to your home, provide benefits for the environment and save money on cooling costs.

5. Water conservation

Trees not only cool, but also save water. Low vegetation will cause water to evaporate slowly because of their shade. For trees to survive, they need between 15 and 450 gallons of water each day.

6. Preventing water pollution

Stormwater can contain phosphorus, nitrogen, and other pollutants. Stormwater can flow into the oceans and water without filtering if it is not planted. Trees allow rainwater to seep into the earth, breaking down the rainfall. They also prevent stormwater pollution from reaching the oceans. Green infrastructure, such as a green roof, can reduce the effects of stormwater.

7. Shelters for wildlife

Trees are also a natural habitat and food source for wildlife, which helps to boost biodiversity. A single apple tree can produce 20 fruit bushels a year, which can be used to feed many birds, insects, or wildlife. Although it can be planted on very little land, it has an amazing environmental impact. Oak and sycamore are the most popular trees for squirrels and birds.

8. Renewable Energy Source

Fossil fuels are one of the world’s greatest problems. They will not last forever, except for their toxic effects. Many companies are now focusing on renewable energy sources. Trees can be a great source of renewable energy if they are managed sustainably. Trees are easy to use and have been around since before the dawn of time. With smart forest management, they can be an excellent source of eco-friendly fuel.

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